This popular free annual festival, hosted by the CAC, returns Oct 19-20 providing the public with access to places of architectural, historical, and cultural significance.

The Chicago Architecture Center (CAC) is a non-profit organization that inspires people to discover why design matters.
River cruise tickets on sale now!
City Tours
- Walking
Chicago Pedway
Discover Chicago’s underground Pedway and uncover its history, unique businesses and links to transit, while visiting notable historic and modern buildings. - Walking
The Old Post Office
Explore the new Old Post Office Building, whose early 20th-century design has been adaptively reused into a beautiful, modern Class A Office building. - Walking
Hotel Boom: Making Old New Again
Learn about the benefits and challenges of adaptive reuse. - Walking
Art Deco: Landmark Lobbies
Offered only in January and February, this tour offers less exposure to the elements and more time inside some of Chicago’s best Art Deco buildings.
Empowering the future of Chicago
As programs like Teen Fellows grow, so does our impact on tomorrow's architects, designers, and builders. With your support, we can continue to empower young people to shape a more equitable, sustainable, and vibrant Chicago. Watch the video.
Open House Chicago is Back!
Open House Chicago Photo Competition
competition detailsWhether you’re a seasoned photographer or a hobbyist with a camera phone, this is your chance to show off your best photos taken while exploring Open House Chicago sites. Submit your entries by October 27.
How was your Open House experience?
Take the surveyWe hope you enjoyed exploring the city with us. Please take our survey to tell us about your experience. And save the date for Oct 18-19, 2025!
The CAC facilitated a design competition for Missing Middle Infill Housing, highlighting innovative ways of reimagining Chicago’s single-family home, two- and three-flat, rowhouse, and six-flat typologies to better meet modern living. Meet the winners and download the design catalog.
Design Matters
CEO and President of the CAC, Eleanor Gorski, tours the En Masse Studio with Mike Shively, founding partner of En Masse, to explore how thoughtful design helps meet people’s daily needs.
Is Housing broken?
No matter the city, its size, its demographics, its spatial configuration or architectural bent, housing everywhere seems to be at a crisis point. Learn more about this challenging, important issue from Ben Schulman at New City.
The CAC Design Store offers a curated collection design-centered items including books, apparel, and gifts.
Louis Sullivan Ornamental Designs Notecards
$14.41 member price
Frank Lloyd Wright Chevron Earrings
$33.96 member price
The greatest gift
VolunteerGive your time and talent to the CAC as a volunteer docent, exhibit host or education guide.
Support the future of design
DonateThe CAC relies on donors like you to help fund our design education programs. We're grateful for every one-time contributor and life-long supporter.