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Include the Chicago Architecture Center (CAC) in your will, trust or as a beneficiary of your retirement plans and support the future of this vital organization.

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Why make a planned gift?

Your future gift – in any amount – to the CAC can:

  • Provide funds that help make future tour and public programming possible and accessible
  • Introduce the built environment and new career pathways to students from diverse backgrounds throughout Chicagoland
  • Support future Education programs similar to our Newhouse Competition or Girls Build!
  • Achieve tax savings and income opportunities for you today, and for your heirs in the future

All planned gifts to the CAC are invested. This means that gifts of all sizes make a difference. Consider adding the CAC as a beneficiary to your will, trust or retirement plans today!

By creating a planned gift, you join a community of people who care deeply about the future of the Center. This community, called the Blueprint Society, provides exclusive benefits to members. Share your intention to give with the CAC.

What is a planned gift?

A planned gift is a future charitable gift to a nonprofit. The gift is made by including the charity in your will or trust, or as a beneficiary of a retirement or life insurance plan. After including provisions for your loved ones, you can include a charity, such as the CAC, in your plans to support the future of causes that are meaningful to you.

Some examples of planned gifts are:

  • Gift through your Will or Trust to give a specific amount, a percentage or a remainder of your estate
  • Beneficiary of your Retirement or Life Insurance Plan
  • Successor for a Donor Advised Fund or other Investment Account

You can use the following information to include the CAC in your plans:

  • Name: Chicago Architecture Foundation, doing business as the Chicago Architecture Center
  • TAX ID: 36-6144362
  • Address: 111 East Wacker Dr, Suite 1321, Chicago, IL 60613

Helpful information to include CAC in your plans

Including a charity can be easier than you realize. Consult your financial advisor or lawyer today to figure out what works best for you.

While creating or updating your plans, you might need the following information:

  • Name: Chicago Architecture Foundation, doing business as the Chicago Architecture Center (you can legally use either in your plans)
  • TAX ID: 36-6144362
  • Address: 111 East Wacker Dr, Suite 1321, Chicago, IL 60613
  • Sample Language: “I give to Chicago Architecture Center, an Illinois general not for profit corporation, located in Chicago, Illinois, [insert a specific dollar amount, specified property, percentage of your estate or residual of your estate] for its general purposes.”

Do you have questions about making a gift that is not mentioned?

Contact Melissa Graham at or 312.561.2113 to learn more about what gifts the CAC can and cannot accept.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can my family and loved ones benefit from a planned gift?

  • You can also add your loved ones as beneficiaries to any of the gift types discussed here. Additionally, there are ways to set up gifts so loved ones can minimize the amount of income tax they must pay.

How does the CAC benefit from planned gifts?

  • All planned gifts to the CAC are invested following an organization investment policy. This means that all gifts will end up having a larger impact than their initial gift value.
  • Each year going forward, the CAC will take a percentage of the income from the invested funds and direct it toward operating costs. In this way, your gift will support all CAC programs for many years to come.

Do planned gifts provide any tax savings benefits for me?

  • Most planned gifts do provide some sort of tax savings benefits for you or your heirs. Talk with your financial advisor to determine what works best for your situation.

Blueprint Society

The Blueprint Society recognizes individuals who make financial plans – in any amount – to benefit the future of the CAC. Their plans allow for the continued growth of the CAC's programs, tours, operations and exhibitions.

Through the Society, we honor and thank them for their commitment.

The Blueprint society is open to all who have included the CAC in their financial plans. All you need to do is let us know. Contact us today or complete and return the form below.

Thank you to our current members!

The purpose of this information is to provide general information. It is not intended as legal, accounting, tax or other professional advice and should not be relied upon as such. For assistance with your particular information, please consult your attorney, tax advisor, financial advisor or other professional.