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CAC education guides lead interactive experiences for students that focus on architecture and design.

Education guides facilitate 90-minute field trips for students. These interactive experiences focus on architecture, design and Chicago history. Sessions incorporate hands-on collaboration tools to foster critical thinking in young people.

What is expected of an education guide?

  • Facilitate CAC field trips (grades K-8)
  • Be prepared to give field trips during weekday mornings and early afternoons
  • Complete a feedback form for each field trip

Education guide training has three components

  • Introduction to the Chicago Architecture Center—A two-hour orientation to answer all of your questions about our organization.
  • Specific field trip training—This includes building interpretation, discovering Chicago’s rich history though architecture, design, engineering and what makes Chicago the “city of architecture.”
  • Working with the youth—Learn various methods, styles and approaches for teaching a wide variety of audiences and ages.


March 6 & March 13 (must attend both days)

Apply today