Come Home: Missing Middle Infill Housing

The Exhibition

The exhibition highlights the work of 42 firms from across North America that were invited to present their design solutions at the CAC, following an open call for proposals.

On view in the exhibition are 42 posters, each featuring one of the submitted proposals. These displays include renderings of and building plans for the proposed designs, as well as short blocks of explanatory text. The firm associated with each poster will remain anonymous until after jury review on March 6-7.

This competition builds on the tradition of housing innovation that began with the bungalows and greystones so commonly associated with Chicago. These middle market housing types, which lie between detached suburban housing and high density complexes, have withstood the test of time. They have also created general wealth for many and have proved to be adaptable for many different living situations. Come Home explores what the future of middle density housing can be in Chicago.

The goal of all proposals on view in the exhibition is to add new missing middle infill housing in six Chicago neighborhoods: Auburn Gresham, Bronzeville, East Garfield Park, Englewood, Humboldt Park and Woodlawn. With this increase in density comes an added diversity of housing choices with the potential to jumpstart generational wealth through home ownership and rental income opportunities.

This exhibition presents the second phase of the CAC’s ongoing Come Home Initiative, in cooperation with the City of Chicago. The public is invited to voice their opinions on their favorite submissions. You can peruse the 42 submissions here or scan the QR codes in the exhibition to provide feedback on your top choices. Following this exhibition, a jury of industry professionals will select design teams to advance to phase three of the competition, which will see local emerging developers paired with each winning firm to construct the case study homes on lots provided by the City of Chicago.

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