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The Chicago Architecture Center is reaching new heights thanks to donors like you.

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The Chicago Architecture Center is reaching new heights thanks to donors like you.

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“I used to think that architecture was only for people who can draw, are good in math, and are non-minorities. Now I think that anyone can become an architect no matter their ethnicity or what background they come from. There is innovation and all ideas are welcome.”

—Maggie, 8th grade, Chicago Public School student

Our Mission

At the CAC, we are dedicated to inspiring people to discover why design matters.

Your support helps us increase opportunities for students like Maggie, lead the field in important design conversations and provide award winning tour experiences that showcase our city.

Since our founding in 1966, the CAC has become one of the city’s top educational and cultural destinations. In the past five decades, we have hit some truly astonishing milestones, including:

  • 10 million people reached
  • 1 million volunteer hours donated
  • 250,000 students served

The CAC is a gateway for Chicagoans and visitors to explore the city and discover the stories and secrets behind our magnificent buildings. It will create a lasting impact on the city for years to come and positively influence the next generation of architects and designers.

Your support makes all of this and more possible. Thank you for making a gift today to support this work.


Join our work by making a donation in an amount that is meaningful to you, whether it’s $50, $200, $600 or more.

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