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City of Big Data PechaKucha Night

What can you learn about Big Data in 400 seconds? Come to the special, CAF City of Big Data PechaKucha Night and find out! The most engaging thinkers in the city talk about their work in 20 slides up for only 20 seconds each.

‘Big Data’ refers to the volume, velocity, and variety of the digital information we generate today. From information collected by urban sensors to Tweets, never before have cities generated so much data. Data is a 21st century design material. It has the power to transform how we plan, design, and build cities. Good data can help designers and citizens identify patterns and trends that affect the health and happiness of a city and the people who live there. Learn more about the Chicago Architecture Foundation City of Big Data exhibition>>

The Chicago Architecture Foundation's mission is to inspire people to discover why design matters. Data provides a critical lens for exploring and understanding the design issues that matter deeply to citizens, from community health and livability, to safety and sustainability.


  • Ingrid Haftel – Chicago Architecture Foundation
  • Stuart Lynn - Adler Planetarium / Zooniverse
  • Tom Burtonwood - School of the Art Institute of Chicago
  • Dennis McClendon – Chicago Cartographics
  • Dan O’Neil - SMART Chicago/Lola Chen – Data Advocate
  • Jeanne Marie Olson – Design for America
  • Joe Germuska – Knight Lab, OpenGov Chicago
  • Ava St. Claire – Urban Designer
  • Doug Pancoast – School of the Art Institute of Chicago
  • Neil Katz – SOM

In Partnership with Architecture is Fun and Visualized Concepts. Pecha Kucha is devised, shared and supported by Klein Dytham Architecture.