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How is the collection and dissemination of big data changing how we plan and build cities? This virtual meet-up, held in conjunction with New London Architecture, will highlight how two global cities—Chicago and London—are using open data to positively inform future development.

$20 non-Industry Council members
Free for CAC Industry Council members*
Gand Lecture Hall, 111 E. Wacker Dr.

Presenters in each city will be live streamed on video to audiences in the other city. They’ll take turns discussing and answering questions about the opportunities, challenges and ongoing developments they’ve encountered when big data informs design.

The discussion in Chicago will be moderated by Lynn Osmond, President and CEO, Chicago Architecture Center. London's moderator will be Peter Murray, Chairman, New London Architecture.

This is the first of an ongoing CAC series geared toward architecture and design professionals, with the goal of fostering international dialogue and learning.



Charlie Catlett—Founder, Array of Things

Charlie Catlett

Charlie will provide the latest update to an ambitious new project to install environmental sensors across Chicago and explain how other cities can join the Array of Things network.


Tom Schenk Jr.—Director of Analytics, KPMG

Tom Schenk Jr.

Tom will examine what information is safe and fair to share broadly and explore how the public’s ability to access and interpret data can be improved.



Shaina Doar—Head of City Operations, Sidewalk Labs

Shaina Doar

Shaina will offer comments about the use of data in city design from the vantage of private enterprise.




Stephen Lorimer—Smart City Policy and Delivery Officer, Greater London Authority

Stephen will outline what kind of data his intelligence unit collects, how it is currently used and what barriers exist in sharing the data with planners.

polly hudson—Director, Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis

Polly will review how far we’ve come on the open data front and take a closer look at how data is collected and who has access to it.

Eman Martin Vignerte—Head of Political affairs and Government Relations, Bosch UK

Eman will offer commentary on the ways other cities are collecting and disseminating data at the local government level.