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LunchTalks@CAF: Great Cities, Great Lakes, Great Basin: Chicago: Building a Livable, Competitive and Sustainable City

Karen Weigert, Chief Sustainability Officer, City of Chicago

In fall 2012, the City of Chicago launched Sustainable Chicago 2015, An Action Agenda, Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s roadmap to accelerate Chicago’s competitiveness, livability, and sustainability. The plan builds upon Chicago’s past sustainability work and identifies seven strategic categories including: economic development and job creation; energy efficiency and clean energy; transportation options; water and wastewater; parks, open spaces, and healthy food; waste and recycling; and climate change. With specific goals and key actions, the plan is committed to making Chicago the most sustainable city of the 21st century while driving expanded accountability and transparency. Join us as Chicago’s Chief Sustainability Officer discusses the plan and its recently released Year One Progress Report update.