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The north entrance to the 111 E Wacker parking garage is closed for repair. Please use the south entrance at 233 E South Water Street.

The revival of Gothic architecture did not miss Chicago when it took America by storm. See how the Gothic style of the late 19th and early 20th centuries was captured by Chicago architects in religious and secular spaces. Please read below for special information about dress code for this tour.

3.5 Hours
Chicago Architecture Center, 111 E. Wacker Drive

Trace the history of Gothic Revival in Chicago on this bus tour and learn about how the architectural style evolved from its original medieval roots. Perhaps you’ve noticed elements pf Gothic Revival in your daily life; this architectural style can be found throughout Chicago’s neighborhoods and downtown. Discover why architects looked back to medieval architecture for contemporary construction and learn if it’s only the ornamentation that marks a building as gothic, or if it also involves the building’s shape. Don’t miss this fascinating and rarely told story about Chicago architecture.



The Gothic Chicago Bus Tour will be entering churches as well as an exclusive club with dress code restrictions. Please adhere to these rules or entry may not be permitted.

  • Collared shirts for men and women, no tees
  • No athletic attire, including athletic shoes
  • No open toe sandals for men; ok for women
  • No flip-flops for men or women
  • Only mid-calf shorts that are not made of blue denim for all
  • No distressed pants

Upcoming Gothic Chicago By Bus Tours

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