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The north entrance to the 111 E Wacker parking garage is closed for repair. Please use the south entrance at 233 E South Water Street.

We cannot thank you enough for your kind and thoughtful support. These critical funds help make it possible for us to continue our mission and provide the exceptional programs that we do. We look forward to welcoming you back just as soon as we can.

Jill Abood, Patti Acurio, Marianne Adoradio, Masoom Ahmed, Hope Alexander, Mary Almerigi, Sharon Z. Alter, Mathieu Aman, Carol Anderson, John Anderson, Lisa Anderson-Shaw, Susan Anger, Anonymous (14), Anna Anrod, Rena Appel, Lorilyn Aquino and Ken Zroka, Thomas Aries, Mike and Mary Jo Armstrong, Melissa Arnold Memorial by Dean J. Arnold, Teri and David Ashcraft, Sharon Avendano

Lisa Baars, Joyce Babb, Marlene Bach, Barbara Balbach, Catherine Bannister, Jesse Banwart, Frances C. Barnes, Steve Barnhart, Judith Bartosz, Gaye Bartulis, Barbara Baskin, Barbara Bather, Deborah H. Baughman, Jeff Beaulieu, Peggy Becker, Patricia Benjamin and Martha Fourt, Erin and Tim Benoit, Beth and Tom Bentley, George Bergstrom, Amy Berkin, Santiago Bermudez, Tom and Martha Biede, Linas Bieliauskas, Martha R. Bills, Constance and Harrington Bischof, Anita Bizzotto, Susan Blecher, Joan Bludeau, Florence Bochnovic, Kathleen Boege, Robert G. Boin, Virginia Bolen, Constance Bonbrest, Holly Booyse, Andrew Border, Judy Border, William Bosron, Paul Boykas, Jennifer Bradley, Lisa Brawley, Barbara Breakstone, Pamela Breitberg, Paul Brenner, Rachel Brienzo, George Brock, Kristin Brogan, Teddy Brogan, Doug Brown, Pamela Baker, Debra Bruce, Robert Bruegmann, Robb and Desiree Brummett, Barbara Brun, Bonita Bryant, Roberta and John Buchanan, Lynn Buck, John Bucksbaum, Robert Bularzik, Gabriella Buraglia, Todd Burciaga and Scott Saxsma, Thomas Burt, Julia Busse, A.J. Bussey, Karen Butler, Beryl Byman, John F. Byrd

Ed and Allison Callison, Jean Campbell, Khaliah Canady, Mike Carioscio, Dexter Carlson, Margaret Carr, Darlene J. Carroll, Jack Carter, Carvalho and Paula Tomazini, Juliet Cella, Susan Chaney, Robert Cherry, Mike Christ, Jeannine Cleary, James Cleland, Doug and Candy Cleveland, Ryne Click, Shawn Cole, Floyd Collier, Kathryn Collier, Paul Connolly, Claudia Conrad, Jeanne Coonan, Cathleen Costello, Susan Cotton, Leslie Cousineau, Wendy Covelli, Katie Cowell, Steve Cox, Pam Crowell, Stephen Cruise, Marianne and Dusan Culich, Scott Cummings, Nancy M. Cunniff and Alan M. Zunamon, Charles R. Cunov, Nancy Cygan, Alexander Czirmer

Donna Dale, Matt Dall, Anj Danar, Patti and Robert Davey, Aidan Davies, Timothy Davis and Suzette Riddle, Janet Dawson, Amanda DeCort, Phyllis Deerinck, Christine Deering, Jil Deheeger, Donna Del Principe, Jane A. Desforges, Duane M. DesParte and John C. Schneider, Keri DeWaele, John and Nancy DiCiurcio, Margaret Dickerson and Robert Fliegelman, Julie Dillon, Rosalie and Joseph Dixler, Marny Dixon, Bernard and Sally Dobroski, Kathryn M. Donoval, Rachel Dose, Ashley Dowdle, J. Doyle, Linda H. Doyle, Sharon Doyle, Rada Doytcheva, Ann Drake, Joseph and Sara Drummond, Caroline English, Beth Dudney, Steve and Joan Duffy, Iraida and Gerald Dugan, Sylvia Dunbeck

Kenneth East and Timothy Thurlow, Kathleen Ebbott, Tom Edgerton, Beth Elliott, Wendy and Geoffrey Ellis, Pat and Robert Engel, Patricia Engelhard, Sue English-Kovar, Nora Engonopoulos, Anna Epstein-Allen, James and Kathleen Erdman, Elizabeth Espinosa, Jennifer Esposito, Stephen Estes, Margaret Eulberg, Cynthia G. Everett

Bonnie Fadel, Russell Faeges, Marge E. Fahrenbach, Heather Faivre, Sharon Feather, Leigh and David Ferguson, Robin Fern, Nancy Fischer, Tracey Fleming, Taurino Flores, Anne Foley, Charles and Mary Ann Forness, Kenton and Janet Foutty, Wende Fox, Susan and Paul Freehling, Elizabeth Frees, Dina Frigo, Darryl Fry

Nancy and Gary Gage, Julie Galliart, Karen Gallimore, Kathleen Gallo, Francisco Garcia-Silva, Paul N. Garcy and Mike McBride, Rick Garofalo, Elizabeth Garrison, Charmaine Garry, Jim Gary, Kathy Gavin, John Gehron, Chris Gekas, Dorothea Genetos, Virginia and C. Gary Gerst, Anita and Henry Gewurz, Robert Ginsberg, Lois Glasgow, Carol Glassroth, Robert Glaze, Dana Gliniecki, Gregory and Lynne Gochanour, Willona and Steven Goers, Jeanne M. Brett and Stephen Goldberg, Gail Golden, Irene Goldstein, Barbara Goodman, Kristin Grace, Jeffrey Graff, Patricia Graham, Joe and Janet Green, Delta Greene, Ann Greenstein, Bill and Judy Greffin, Ellen Greif, Stana Grim and Don Bextel, Edward Grimmer, Deborah Grodinsky, Susan and Anthony Grosch, Cathy Gross, Josephine and Richard Grosse, Wilson Guilianelli, Dale Guse

Tim Haaf, John and Dana Hagenah, Walter Hallen, Brandon Ham, Steve Hamburg, Heather Hamilton, Charles Hammerslough, Edwin Hanlon, Arthur Hansen, Alan and Judy Harris, Douglas Harrison, Laurence Hartman, Nicole Hartsough, April Haskell, Rachel Haupt, James Hays, John Henderson, K.S. Heintz, Jim Heitz, Marion Hemstrom, John Henderson, Thomas Herman, Victoria Herring, Christine Herrmann, Jan Hickey, Laureen Higgins, Terry and Sandra Hillis, Kay D. Hinn, Kent and Deborah Hirschfelder, Joyce Hodel, Brent A. Hoffmann, Joan C. Hoffmann, Catherine Hogan, Jacquelyn and James Holland, MaryKay Holmes, Robert Holmgren, Carolyn Holtermann, James Hoover, Marla Hori, Jackie Horn, Nancy Hornak, Minnette Howard-Tiedemann, Julia Huang, Mary Huigens

Dixie Inman

Rachel and Kevin Jackson, Terry Jackson, Daniel Jaconetti, Joanne Janssen, Barbara and James Javorcic, Sye Jimenez, Will and Sharon Johns, Gail and Alan Johnson, James and Jane Jones, Kelly S. Jones, Jeanne Jorden, Patricia Joseph, Robert and Sheila Joynt, Bennett P. Julian, Gurpreet Juneja, Matthew Junge

Mersa Kalaba, Elizabeth Kalmbach, Margery Kanemoto, Anne Kaplan, Gail Kaplan, Jared Kaplan, Jessica Kaplan, Paul Kaplan, Mary Ellen Kastenholz, Audrey Kaufman, Polly Kawalek, Dori Keller, Cara Kelly, Grace Kelly, Maureen Kennedy, Julian Kerbis and Louise Rasmussen, Marcy Kerr, Gerry Ketterson, Ronald Kidd and Yvonne Martin-Kidd, Kathy Kidder, Don Kindsvatter, Demi King, Cynthia Kirk, Gail Kirkland, Jessica Kisthart, Phillip Kizzee, Darryl Klein, Monica Kline, Jean Klingle, Cathy Klink, Katya Klyachko, Jim and Peggy Knapp, Emily Knight, Kathleen Koehl, Carolee Kokola, Janice Koll, Barbara Korobkin, Donna Kostel, Aaron Kovacs, Larry Koval, Susan and Walter Kovalick, Karen D. Kovarik, Linda Kowrach, Nicole Kowrach, Catherine Kozik, Marsha and Allen Krall, Thomas Kramer, Margo Kreh, Mary Kreitling, Elizabeth Krepps, Kathleen and Michael Krepps, Linda Kristensen, Dana Krug, Arthur Kruski and Priscilla Russell, Lawrence Kuhn, Brett Kushino, Laura Kvistad

Stephenie and Gabriel Labovitz, Emmelia Lamphere, Bonnie Landwehr, Roy Lane, Emma Lang, Haunani Langenstein, Scott Lassar, Carol Lauhon, Natasha Lavender, Trevor Lavender, Michelle Lavin, Craig Lee, Lynne C. Lee, Laurence Leive and Manuel Pereiras, William Lemke, Mark and Jennifer Lenhart, Adele Lennig, Gerri Leon, Lara Leoni, Larry Lesperance, Donna Leveckis, Karen Lewis, Pat and Richard Lewis, Terry Light, Patricia Linnerud, Marilyn Lissner, Alma Lizcano, Liz Lockwood, Pamela Loewenstein, Megan Long, Diana Lorenz, Michele Losurdo, Bart Louhi, Judy Loutfy, Jill and Michael Lowe, Jonathan Lowe, Kerith Luchins and Dan Raichel, Chet Lucianek, Cheryl Luetkemeyer, Dianne Luhmann, Mary Lukach, Jonathan Lurie

Julie Maccarthy, Barbara and Jim MacGinnitie, Sandy Machugin, Julie Mack, Megan and David Mahon, Hima Mallipeddi, Cheryl Malmborg, Joseph Manfredo, Sandra Mangurian, Lester Manzano, Ira and Karen Marcus, Susan and Stephen Marcus, Maryann Marra, Gretchen Marsh, Michelle Martel, Betsy Martin, Yvonne C. Martin, Marylen Marty-Gentile, Lisa Mason, Kyle Mathers, Paul Matijevic, Natasha Matza, Anita Mauro, Tracy Mayfield, M. Jean Maynard, Linda McBride, Elaine McCluskeyEdmund and Judith McDevitt, Bruce McFadden, Mike and Mary McGill, Christine McIntosh, Joy McKay, John McKevitt, David McKirnan, James and Joan Ellen McLaughlin, Katie McMahon, Joyce McMains, Simone McNeil, Staci McNelis, Heather McWilliams and Fred Fischer, Elias Mechaber, Michele Medici, Mary Mehl, Ebby Melahn, Paul and Tonya Melkus, Amy Mickelson, James A. Miller, Jim and Pamela Miller, Robert Miller, Talia Miller, Katherine Min, Spencer Miner, Mary Minow, Meredith Miscinski, Ted Moeller, Christian Molinaro, Lisa Moore Trimble, Laura Morgan, Heidi Morlock, Darby Morris, John Morris, Helena Mueller, David Mulvin, Corda Murphy, Judy Mysza

Sonal Narain, Mary Neal, Leslie Newman, Lynne Considine Nieman, Jenny and Craig Niemann, Amy Noffke, Claudia Nolan, Bonnie and Thomas Noll, Lori Norden and Mel Pearson, Amy Noren, Barbara Norrish

Carol O’Donnell, Kristine and Richard Obrien, John O'Connor, Marjorie O'Dowd, Megan O'Keefe, Dianne Olson, Maggie Olson, James T. O'Neill, Mela Osburn

Kathy Paleczny, Gregory Palubicki, Ivette Sosias and Clarence Parham, Helene and Aaron Paris, Kristen Parkinson, James D. Parsons, JoAnn and Joseph Paszczyk, Katherine and Jason Patch, Jennifer Pavelec, Claire Pawlik, Marzi Pecen, Maria Pencheva, Maria Claudia Perez, John Perrecone, Geraldine Perry, Dawn Peters, Keith Peterson, Michele Peterson, Jeffrey and Joan Petertil, Melanie Pheatt, Elizabeth Phillips, Janet and Patrick Phillips, Clare Pierce, Rona Pietrzak, Joel Piktel, Ronda Pilon and Bob Roschke, Michelle Pinkert, Stuart Pinnock, John C. Pintozzi, Courtney Pirosko, Barb Pohl, Charles Polcaster, Lydia and Kenneth Polonsky, Bonnie Pool, Thomas and Nadine Pool, Lance Potter, Robert Pratt, Gloria Price, Claire Primeau, Jean Prindiville, Jerry Proffit, Margaret and Edward Pyterek

Barbara Quilty, Karen Quinn and Jim Quinn

David Rangel and Alicia Estrada, Nancy Rascher, Madelon Rasz, Angela Ray, Jeff and Julie Reed, Scott Reep, Adam Rees, Anne Reiher, Tom Repasch, Alex Rhyan, Joyce Rice, Rodney Rich, Robert Riley, Robert Rivkin, Walter Rizal, Regenia Stein and Roland James, Debbie Roberts, Sharon Roberts, Jason Robinson and Tom Robinson, Denise Rocha, Maria Roche, Susan and John Rodgers, Laura Rogers, Sue Rutesn and George Rogge, Corinne Rohr, Luba Roitman, Maggie Roland, Pilar Romero, Anne and Richard Rooney, Debra Rosenberg and Joseph Boyd, Gary Roth, Nan Rothrock and Doug Snider, Bobbie Rudnick, Mary and James Russell, Chris Rute, Noreen and James Ryan

Sharon Sachse, Gloria A. Sagen, Aki Sakatani, Thomas Samson and Peggy Hanlon, Sandra Sanders, Renee Sandler, Yvonne Sandner, Gerry Sansone, Janice Sarkor, Seth Savarick, Vicki and Allen Saxon, Susan Obler and John Scanlon, Shya Scanlon, Susan Schaffrath, George Schatz, Linda Scherzinger, Theresa Scheuermann, Jon Schindler, Alison Schlickman, Frank Schmitt, Nan Schonberg and David J. Benditzson, Mary Schroth and Gary Tritz, Mary Schulatz, Nancy Schwab, Susan and Charles Schwartz, Laurie and Peter Schwartz, Peggy Schwebke, Barbara Sciacchitano, Pamela J. Seaman, Robin Seeley, Mary Lu Seidel, Russ and Barb Seward, Charles Sexton, Clifford Shapiro and Darlene Vorachek, Enid and Gary Shapiro, Lissa Shaw, Jeanine Sheehan, Lewis Shender, Alan Shepard, Garnet Sherman, Susan Shimotakahara, Betty Signer, Toni Simmons, Nancy and Michael Sims, Ron Singer, Maureen Slavin, Adair and Kenneth Small, Michele Smalley, Patrick Smith, W. Stephen Smith, Denise Littlefield Sobel, Sharyn Sobel, Harry Soenksen, Ronnie Jo Sokol, Sindee Sommer, Dina Sorensen, Ivette Sosias, Howard Spector, Judith and Dick Spurgin, Nikki and Jeffrey Sriver, Vicky Sroczynski, Adena Staben, Matthew Stagner, Larry Stamets, Jean and Eugene Stark, Sue Stealey, Joan and Thomas Stelmack, Randy Stevenson, David and Laura Stone, Judith Stone, Jan Strizek, Kaoru Sugiura, Terry Sullivan, Lynn Sutton, Amy Swiatowiec, Sally Swiss, J Scott Sykora, Sharon Sylvester

Edward Taggart, Lisa Tallman, Jill and Robert Tanz, Cynthia L. Tarpo, Steven Tarrson, Jon Martin and Margaret Teich, Ann Thomas, Ilene Thomas, Barbara and Randolph Thomas, Lisa Thompson, Michele M. Thompson and H. Woods Bowman, Linda and John Tibensky, Roseanna F. Torretto, Margaret Totin, Eric Townsend, Patricia Trafton, Laurie Treuhaft, Michael Trier, Carolyn and Ralph Trimble, Bonnie Tunick and Nancy Dorfman, Denise Turcotte, Marcy Twete and Charles Beck, Mary Tworek-Tupper

Richard R. Uebele, Linda and John Ugo, Elena Urschel

Laura Vailati Nodari, Stephanie VanOrdstrand, Maria Vasich, Carla Veneziale, Marco Verzocchi, Christian and Linda Vetter, Paula Vitaris, Mark Voigt, Christa Vragel, John Vranas

Virginia Wachsmuth, Mary C. Wacker, Brian Wackerman, Kathleen and James Waldeck, Carol Ward, Christine Warman, Denise and Albert Wassenaar, Shelly and David Watson, Thomas Watson, Marilyn Webster, David Weible, Brian Welch, Lisa Westmark, Ann Whitaker, Elizabeth White, Margie White, Robert Whitecotton, Kathy and Richard Wilders, Traci Wile, Diane and George Wilhelmsen, Kevin Williams, Mary Williams, Richard Williams, Sandra L. Williams, Steve Williams, Paula Wilson, Randi Wine, Linda Winke, Claudia Winkler, Richard Winship, Joan Winstein, Carolyn Winterfield, John Wlodarek, Martin Wojcik, Amanda Wolf, Nanette Wollack, Tina Wong, Ellen and John Wright, Carol Wyant

Amanda Yamate, Dianne Yonkers, Katherine Young, Kris and Michael Young, Mary Young, Martha A. Yount

Edith E. Zahniser, Donna and Phillip Zarcone, James Zastrow, Carolyn S. Zehrer, Amy Zimmerman, Jason Zimmerman, Albert and Joyce Zvirbulis

Should you have any questions about your gift please contact Chris Younkin-Wilson at

*Gifts received from March 13, 2020 – May 15, 2020