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The doors to Chicago’s finest places and spaces don’t unlock themselves. Let us introduce you to the passionate, enthusiastic people helping us put together #OHC2015.

Pooja Vukosavich and her husband Peter are the founding partners of Studio V Design, a creative firm specializing in marketing communications and design. Their offices are in Lincoln Square, in the Krause Music Store. This architectural treasure was designed by Louis Sullivan and was his final project. In 2005, Studio V Design purchased the building and began a three-year renovation of the interior and restoration of its facade.  

What is your favorite part about this site? Why should people see it?

You can see the Louis Sullivan “jewel box” terra cotta facade while walking down the street at any time. But the Zen meditation garden in back (which the public doesn’t normally see) is a peaceful oasis for inspiring, brainstorming or having lunch in. We pinch ourselves daily… do we really own and work in such an amazing jewel of a building?

What was your favorite OHC experience?

When I bumped into three people rushing to our building at 5:15 on Sunday last year… such disappointment when they realized we had closed… such joy and appreciation when I gave a private tour!

What is the most unusual or most common question you get asked by OHC visitors?

“Can I come hang out in your meditation garden any other time?”

Sorry, you have to wait for the next OHC or become a client!


Learn more about Studio V Design here.